Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Diary Entry - Week 5

Diary Entry: Week 5, day 1
Today we are booking out the camera and asking our actors if they can definitley be in our video. We have made a filming timetable with the days we have the camera highlighted in yellow and we are using it to see which days we can film and when our actors are free.

Diary Entry: Week 5, day 2
Today we are finding props and costumes to use and we are checking if we can use certain locations. These certain locations are the casino in town. The props we require are a poker set, table and musical instruments.

Diary Entry: Week 5, day 3
It is raining today therefore we cannot film the beach scene as the weather is not suitable, or any other scenes as our actors arent free. We are therefore spending this time uploading videos of our market research and working on our filming timetable. We are also transferring all of our groups data onto a hard drive, including the animatic.

Diary Entry: Week 5, day 4
We are filming different scenes for our video and organising actors, locations and props.

Diary Entry: Week 5, day 5
We are planning on filming some of the video over the weekend. We are organising actors and booking out the camera. We have decided on locations to film, which we will start editing next week.

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