Thursday 29 September 2011


The reason why we chose this design for the logo was the following:
  • Catches the readers eye.
  • Nothing fancy, just nice and simple for our target audience to read.
  • The colour scheme relates back to the genre of our music video  which is Indie.
  • The font which we chose was very stylish but again wasn't  to fancy as we just wanted a basic but effective logo for our music band.

The feedback we received from our target audience about the logo was very encouraging. The following are comments about what they had to say about our logo:

  • The different font styles made the logo very appealing.
  • The use of black for the colour, gave a good impression that the genre was Indie.
  • The use of the "&" character instead of using the word "and" makes the logo look very stylish.
  • The layout of the logo is very clever and appealing.

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