Friday 30 September 2011

Digipack Analysis - Lungs Florence & The Machine

The front cover of the album is unique and dramatic. A medium close up shows florence literally wearing a pair of lungs. The floral curtains, birds and blossoms in the background connote innocence, beauty, nature and gives a femenine feel to the album cover. However, the lungs which florence is wearing, almost as a necklance, and the black nail varnish, emphasises a slightly more darker and gothic feel to it. Florence's body language is relaxed and open, and her eyes being shut give the illusion of she's in a dream. The lungs could symbolise Florence's music as her life. It is almost as if she is trying to show that she couldn't live without her music, like a human cannot live without their lungs, which contrasts with the blossoms and birds behind her, which symbolise life and purity, whilst the lungs symbolise death. The image is framed in white, and the album name and artist name is written in white, which is visible against the black background. The font used for 'lungs' is written in a simple, plain font, to make it easy to read, whilst 'florence + the machine' is written in a different, more creative font. The album title is also bordered by two thin white lines, which makes 'lungs' more noticable and stand out.

The back cover continues with the colour theme of black and white. The image on the back cover is a diagram of a pair of lungs. The numbers on the lungs match up to the tracklist below, which is written in a bolder, italic font, each of the songs spaced close together. The barcode is on the right bottom hand side, which is a conventional feature to digipaks.

The disk of the album goes against the usual conventions. Usually CD disks follow the colour theme or the visual theme, but the 'lungs' disk does not. The image on the disk is of a pair of hands grasping something tightly, not wanting to let go, though it is not clear to see what the object is. The pair of hands are supposed to look like a pair of lungs, continuing with the theme of lungs throughout the entire digipack. The disk does not follow with the theme of black and white which is continued on the front and back cover. The image is ambiguous and can be interpreted to mean different things.

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