Friday, 23 September 2011

Diary Entry - Week 2

Diary Entry: Week 2, day 1
Today we made the blog and sent email conformations out to each person in the group so we can all access the blog separately and each make our own posts.

Diary Entry: Week 2, day 2
Today we looked at music videos from our genre and took ideas and thought about how we could develop and include them in our own project.

Diary Entry: Week 2, day 3
Today we developed a logo and band name, which will go on our storyboard. In the end, we settled with the name ‘Genius and the Tramp’ as we thought this was the best and most appropriate name for our genre and song.

Diary Entry: Week 2, day 4
Today we started to make our storyboard. We made a brand new storyboard with our individual logo on. We did the first few shots and worked out timings and lyrics for each scene.

Diary Entry: Week 2, day 5
Today we worked on the main part of the storyboard. We worked out the timings of the song and wrote what lyrics and shots would be in each scene.

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