Monday 28 November 2011

Diary Entry - Week 11

Diary Entry: Week 11, day 1:
This week we are starting planning for our digipak and advert. We have decided to change our original idea from the poker scene and have changed it to a very simple but effective idea. The idea is where we performed the band performance, which was the beach location, we will take images situated around there.

Diary Entry: Week 11, day 2:
Today we have created our album name called, "waiting for the rain to come". We have also planned out our digipak and now focusing on what to put into our advert.

Diary Entry: Week 11, day 3:
We have decided that our digipak will include these 4 images:
  • The Front cover: will be our band name, "genious and the tramp" wrote into the sand with the sea coming up towards it.
  • The two inside images will be a picture of the band situated on the beach and the other image to be a picture of the castle or another beach shot.
  • The final image on the back cover will be an image of a sunrise with the song names wrote inside the sun.
Diary Entry: Week 11, day 4:
We have now decided what to do for both our digipak and advert. Our advert will consist of the band name, album name, release date and the band logo.

Diary Entry: Week 11, day 5:
Today we have started taken photos for our digipak and advert. We have went to take pictures where we did the band performance, which was on the beach. Over the weekend we will have all our photos for next week so we can edit and create our digipak and advert to the highest standard.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Diary Entry - Week 10

Diary Entry: Week 10, day 1:
This lesson we are editing our music video and drawing rough sketches of ideas for our digipack and advert. Matty is currently starting the editing and Michael is checking that everything on the blog is up to date and if anything that is not up to standard being changed.

Diary Entry: Week 10, day 2:
Today we continued editing the final cut for our music video. We also organised the blog and completed everything that needed to be improved. We also took pictures of our final location shots so they could be added to the blog.

Diary Entry: Week 10, day 3:
With the blog almost complete we are finishing editing our music video, which is nearly finished. We are now planning what our digipack and poster are going to look like.

Diary Entry: Week 10, day 4: DEADLINE DAY
Today is deadline day. We are finishing editing our music video which is almost complete. With the blog now finished we are mainly concentrating on the editing, we are now looking forward to planning and creating our digipak and poster which will consist of a colour scheme of green, black and red which are all relating to our music video. The props we are most likely going to add into them are, poker chips, roulette wheel, the ring and cards.

Diary Entry: Week 10, day 5:
After finishing our music video we are now going through watching everyone elses video in our media class. Next week we plan to start planning our digipak and advert

Monday 14 November 2011

Digipack Sketches

For the inside section where the CD will be placed, we thought we could have a picture of a roulette wheel where the CD would be, because it links in with the theme of gambling and it is circular, so we could have the actual CD cover as the same picture. The back cover of the digipack is where the list of songs are, and we thought about having a close up picture of stacks of poker chips.

For the front cover of the digipack, we have thought about having a photograph of a mixture of cards and poker chips, with the group logo and name of the song over the top. For the lyrics section, we thought about having a simple green background to make the text easily visible, but maybe have a picture of the ring, which was a motif in our video, at the bottom side of the page.

Advert/Poster Sketches

For the advertisement poster, we thought we could use the ring, which is featured throughout our video as the main focus. The title of the song 'what will you do when the money goes' would be in red and the rest of the text, including the band logo in black, linking with our continual theme of red and black.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Diary Entry - Week 9

Diary Entry: Week 9, day 1:
Today we have been continuing with filming. Michael and Matty stayed behind after school to film the scenes which included the roulette wheel, poker chips, dice and cards.

Diary Entry: Week 9, day 2
These past two days we have been organising what times we would be able to shoot, thinking about when our actors are available to film, and we are buying props such as green material for the poker table. Basically we have spent these few lessons and time outside of school organising everything.

Diary Entry: Week 9, day 3
Michael and Matty went up to Benton to collect the green felt for the poker scene that they are filming tomorrow night.

Diary Entry: Week 9, day 4
These lessons have been filming our video and beginning to plan and think about what we are going to do for our digipack and advert. We have thought about ideas and have began drawing onto paper rough sketches. After school Michael and Matty performed the casino scene with the other two characters. Michael was performing in it and Matty was camera man.

Diary Entry: Week 9, day 5
We have almost finished filming, the last scene that we need to film is on saturday when Michael and Matty are going to town to film inside or near the casino.

Friday 4 November 2011

Digipack and Advert ideas

For our digipack and advert we have decided to use a continual theme throughout. We are going to use the motif of gambling. We are going to use photos of images associated with gambling and the theme of the casino, such as a roulette wheel, poker chips, money etc. The main colours which are associated with this are red, black and green. We will use this theme throughout both the digipack and advert. This is also the motif of our music video, therefore the digipack, advert and video all link together.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

List of Roles (Final Cut)

Final Cut

Michael Scrafton
Michael plays the main male character in the narrative.

Nicole Mckay
Nicole is the woman character in the narrative, the wife too Michael in the story.

Matty Petherbridge
Lead singer in the band.

Chris Petherbridge
He is the guitar player in the band.

James Petherbridge
He is the drum player in the band performance.

Tom Curry
Tom  plays the role of the new boyfriend at the end of the video.

Josh Clark
He is a player in the poker scene

Simon Cassells
David is a player in the poker scene.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Diary Entry - Week 8

Diary Entry: Week 8, day 1:
Today we started re shooting some of our scenes for our video. We went to the same locations but filmed a different variety of shots, because we realised that a variety of different shots shows our ability and makes the video more interesting. We used the same actors and the same props and costumes. We are also finishing making charts of market research for the blog and updating the diary entries and blog.

Diary Entry: Week 8, day 2:
Today we looked at narrative theory and we looked at past music videos and looked at different theories and decided whether our music video followed the theories we looked at in the lesson.

Diary Entry: Week 8, day 4:
Today we looked at the footage we have got so far and decided what else we need to film and we looked to see if our footage is okay to use. We also worked on the blog and wrote up the narrative theory

Diary Entry: Week 8, day 5:
Today we looked at digipacks and what makes a successful digipack and advert. From this lesson we have realised what to include and what to avoid when making our own digipack and advert. We are thinking about ideas we could use for photos which we will use for our advert and digipack.

Monday 31 October 2011

Diary Entry - Week 7

It is half term week and we are thinking about what we can change about our video in order to make improvements, taking our feedback into account. We are also organising when to book out the camera out the camera, and when to book in for the drums and microphone stand. We are also keeping the blog up to date by posting the finishing posts we have completed. We have also listed our new and current locations where we are going to film for our final music video.


The following feedback which I received from the students was the following:
What they liked about the music video:
·         The close up of the guitar whilst playing to the music.
·         Good Narrative
·         The link between lyrics and visuals
·         Zoom up shots of characters
·         The settings of the narrative
What could make the music video better:
·         Singer should face the camera
·         Quick edits required
·         Cut out the repetitive shots
·         Add more shots with the whole band
·         More dynamic performance
·         Gambling with more people
·         Poker shots need to be more realistic
The feedback which I received from my teachers was the following:
What they liked about the music video:
·         The lyrics “ I can see a darker side” was good use of lighting
·         Good location on break up scene
·         Backwards shots look great
·         Spinning wheel
·         Narrative
·         Lighting on face
·         The cards blowing away
What could make the music video better:
·         More passionate performance
·         Edits to music
·         More narrative
·         Some shots are too long
·         The green cloth should be ironed
·         More energy from singer
·         Improvement for mise en scene for bad performance

From this feedback we have decided to do the following improvements:
·         Band Performance – The setting will be changed, the actors will be changed and a variety of shots will be used throughout the music video with them all being together.
·         Editing techniques – The shots will be fast and shorter as some of them were to long whilst performing, we will also add effects such as black and white, dissolve and jump shots.
·         Actors – The actors will be changed so it will create a more realistic effect.
·         More narrative – we will add more information about the story in the music video.
·         House scene – The scene where the clothes are outside the house will be changed and will have a messy look to it.
·         Costumes – There will be no hoodies and rain jackets in the music video that will create a student look, it will look as professional as possible.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Diary Entry - Week 6

Diary Entry: Week 6, day 1:
We are editing our video in lessons and finishing it off before Wednesday, the final deadline for the rough cut. Matty is currently doing the editing, whilst Michael is managing the block and completing any unfinished pieces of work.

Diary Entry: Week 6, day 2:
Today we are carrying on with our music video rough cut and finishing putting the last few edits together.

Diary Entry: Week 6, day 3:
It is the final day for our rough cut, and we are making sure our video is finished and uploaded on time.

Diary Entry: Week 6, day 4:
Today we are watching ours, and everyone elses videos. We have recieved feedback from our teachers and students, whilst comparing our rough cut to music videos of other bands, seeing how they compare to ours. We have heard feedback about what people like and dislike about our video, which we will take on board.

Diary Entry: Week 6, day 5:
Today we are planning on re-shooting the majority of our video, after hearing the feedback. We are using todays final lesson before half term to book out cameras and organising which days our actors would be available for filming.

Diary Entry - Week 5

Diary Entry: Week 5, day 1
Today we are booking out the camera and asking our actors if they can definitley be in our video. We have made a filming timetable with the days we have the camera highlighted in yellow and we are using it to see which days we can film and when our actors are free.

Diary Entry: Week 5, day 2
Today we are finding props and costumes to use and we are checking if we can use certain locations. These certain locations are the casino in town. The props we require are a poker set, table and musical instruments.

Diary Entry: Week 5, day 3
It is raining today therefore we cannot film the beach scene as the weather is not suitable, or any other scenes as our actors arent free. We are therefore spending this time uploading videos of our market research and working on our filming timetable. We are also transferring all of our groups data onto a hard drive, including the animatic.

Diary Entry: Week 5, day 4
We are filming different scenes for our video and organising actors, locations and props.

Diary Entry: Week 5, day 5
We are planning on filming some of the video over the weekend. We are organising actors and booking out the camera. We have decided on locations to film, which we will start editing next week.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

List of Roles (Rough Cut)

Rough Cut

Michael Scrafton
Michael plays the main male character in the narrative.

Nicole Mckay
Nicole is the woman character in the narrative, the wife too Michael in the story.

Matty Petherbridge
Lead singer in the band.

Tom Curry
He is the guitar player in the band.

Robbie Lewis
He is the drum player in the band performance.

Monday 17 October 2011


Diary Entry - Week 4

Diary Entry: Week 4, day 1
Today we are finishing everything on the blog and finishing off the animatic. I am also beginning to collect back some of the market research in order to begin making the pie charts and graphs. We are also updating and working on the pitch, and working on the animatic.

Diary Entry: Week 4, day 2
Today we are working on the animatic. We are continuing with our market research and asking different types of people to complete our questionnaires. We will also use different ways aside from questionnaires in order to present our market research results, such as podcasts and filming different people answering the questions and seeing their reactions.

Diary Entry: Week 4, day 3
Today we are making sure everything on the blog is in order and up to date, and finished to the best it can be. We are also discussing which actors we could use for our video, and deciding on the different settings of our video.

Diary Entry: Week 4, day 4
This afternoon we are finishing the animatic, and working on the blog. We are looking at digipacks and thinking about ideas for our own digipack, and thinking about our brand image. Today we are putting more things on the blog. We are creating lists of props, lighting, settings, costume and makeup and writing the reasoning behind our choices.

Diary Entry: Week 4, day 5
Today we are making the graphs and pie charts from the results we collected from our questionnaire, for our market research. We are also filming different people talking about their opinion and we are also going to make a podcast.

Filming Timetable

Period 1Period 2Period 3Period 4Period 5Afterschool 
Week 5
Period 1Period 2Period 3Period 4Period 5Afterschool 
Week 6
Period 1Period 2Period 3Period 4Period 5Afterschool 
Week 7
Period 1Period 2Period 3Period 4Period 5Afterschool 
Week 8
Period 1Period 2Period 3Period 4Period 5Afterschool 
Week 9
Period 1Period 2Period 3Period 4Period 5Afterschool 
Week 10